Telos News – 17th December 2004

COMPANION PIECE IN STOCK We have taken delivery of the *standard* edition of COMPANION PIECE and hope to be mailing out copies to subscribers and pre-orders today, so that they arrive before Christmas. The *deluxe* edition has been promised to arrive tomorrow (Thurs) and we’ll do our best to get

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Deluxe TV Companion now SOLD OUT

Due to massive demand, the deluxe hardback edition of THE TELEVISION COMPANION is now completely sold out from Telos Publishing. This also means that we are unable to supply any copies to our American and Canadian distributor and so places like and the US based specialist shops will not

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Toybox arrives

We have today unexpectedly – it’s a week early – taken delivery of HOWE’S TRANSCENDENTAL TOYBOX, the second edition of our DOCTOR WHO Merchandise Guide. Copies will start to be despatched as soon as we can find some space to unpack them in! Remember that all copies ordered direct from

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