Steve and David were amazed to realise towards the end of last year, that 2010 actually marks ten years of Telos Publishing! When we started the company back in 2000, we hoped it might last, but were realistic enough to try and ensure that what we published was of good
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Destination: Moonbase Alpha
We’re pleased to report that Telos’ new guide to SPACE:1999 by Robert E Wood is now back from the printers and looking amazing. Copies will be despatched to everyone who has pre-ordered as soon as we can get them packed, and shop and dealer copies will also be sent out
Continue reading »Altered Visions: The Art of Vincent Chong
Telos Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of the first collection of multiple award-winning artist Vincent Chong’s work ALTERED VISIONS: THE ART OF VINCENT CHONG Vincent Chong burst onto the horror and fantasy scene several years ago with a sequence of incredible artworks. Since then he has gone on
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We regret to announce that, due to a lack of pre-orders for the title, we’re not going to be able to publish the two special editions of Simon Clark’s new novella HUMPTY’S BONES. The paperback edition will be going ahead, and will now contain all the content previously announced for
Continue reading »It Lives Again is Book of the Year
Very pleased to report that Mantaray Pictures have nominated Axelle Carolyn’s analysis of modern horror, IT LIVES AGAIN, as book of the year on their website. In their review they say: It Lives Again! Horror Movies in the New Millennium is an amazing book. I’ve never seen a book that covered
Continue reading »Destination: Moonbase Alpha
A quick update on this title … it’s gone to print! Hopefully therefore we’ll have finished copies sometime mid-February, barring any further delays. Apologies to everyone who has been waiting patiently for this title, and of course all the pre-orders will be despatched as soon as we get the books
Continue reading »Happy New Year
David and Stephen wish all Telos’s customers a peaceful and a happy new year.
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