Daemos Rising is an exciting Doctor Who spin-off drama produced by Reeltime Pictures. It serves as a sequel to both the third Doctor adventure The Daemons and to Downtime, an earlier Reeltime drama featuring the Yeti, and ties in with Telos Publishing’s Time Hunter series.
The production stars Miles Richardson as ex-UNIT operative Douglas Cavendish and Beverley Cressman as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart’s daughter Kate.
Trapped in an isolated cottage, Cavendish thinks he is seeing ghosts. The only person who might understand and help is Kate Lethbridge-Stewart … but when she arrives, she realises that Cavendish is key in a plot to summon the Daemons back to the Earth. With time running out, Kate discovers that sometimes even the familiar can turn out to be your worst nightmare.
‘I wanted to play with the characters a little, and to see what made them tick,’ explains writer David J Howe, co-director of Telos Publishing. ‘I always loved The Daemons – it’s simply so full of great themes and potential that just one television outing never seemed enough. When I first started discussing the ideas with Keith for this drama, we both wanted to see how far we could go in both entertaining and unnerving the viewer … and I hope we succeed on both counts. One of the things that attracted me to Doctor Who in the first place were the ideas and concepts. I enjoy thinking through the implications of what was presented on screen, and seeing where that takes us. For example, how powerful is psionic science? Can you animate more than just a stone statue with it? How many Daemons have visited the Earth? Was Azal really the last of his race, or did he just think that … questions and lateral thinking like this allow you to expand on the original material and to take it in new directions. There’s also a far broader background to this tale; and readers of Telos’s Time Hunter range of novellas will start to make some connections as Daemos Rising is very much set in the same universe. It’s been tremendously challenging and great fun to do.’
As well as Miles Richardson and Beverley Cressman, Daemos Risingalso features Andrew Wisher as the Ghost. Andrew is the actor son of Michael Wisher, who played Davros in Doctor Who amongst many other roles. Also featured is Ian Richardson as the Narrator. Ian is well known to television audiences for his roles in The House of Cards, The Magician’s House, Strange and Murder Rooms, and in films such as Dark City and From Hell.
To order copies direct from Reeltime Pictures, please use this link: http://timetraveltv.com/programme/300
Images © David J Howe

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