Citadel of Dreams – standard

Citadel of Dreams – standard

Written by Dave Stone
Foreword by Andrew Cartmel

The second of Telos Publishing’s acclaimed Doctor Who Novellas range.

Published 28 March 2002

In the city-state of Hokesh, time plays tricks; the present is unreliable, the future impossible to intimate. A derelict street child, Joey Quine, finds himself subject to horrifying visions and fugues. His only friend in this, the only one to whom he can turn for help, is a mysterious stranger who calls herself Ace. And in an unknowable future the Doctor is busily inciting a state of bloody unrest, on the basis that one must be cruel to be kind – simultaneously, for preference.

The Glorious Ruler of the city, Magnus Solaris, is worried: his memory is failing him; his influence deserting him; his city is falling apart. What is happening to him truly? Only the Doctor knows – and he’s not telling.

There is worse to come. As both world and time crumble, Magnus Solaris and Joey Quine will unearth secrets the like of which nobody in Hokesh could have ever possibly suspected.


Published 28 March 2002



 Dave Stone

Dave and friend

Dave Stone has written any number of things, from comics and radio scripts to full-length novels, which currently include Heart of TARDIS and The Slow Empirefor the BBC Worldwide Doctor Who range andProfessor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexusfor Big Finish.

This is his first work published in the novella form, as opposed to a short story which didn’t know when to stop, and he thought that with the relatively low word count it would be easy!

He thought that but…