The Dalek Factor – deluxe

The Dalek Factor – deluxe

Written by Simon Clark
Foreword by Christopher Fowler
Artwork by Graham Humphreys

The fifteenth and last of Telos Publishing’s acclaimed Doctor Who Novellas range.

Published March 2004

When a Thal platoon arrive on a hostile planet investigating reports that Dalek artefacts have been detected, they are unprepared for what they find. In an underground room is a stranger, a Professor, or so he claims, with no memory of who he is or why he is there.

With death and horror their only companions, the Thals make their way with the Professor into the heart of a crumbling Dalek citadel in search of answers … only to find that the Daleks are the least of the horrors they must face.


Published March 2004




Simon Clark was born on 20 April 1958. He sold his first ghost story A Trip Out for Mr Harrison to a radio station while in his teens, and before becoming a full time writer held a variety of jobs, including strawberry picker, supermarket shelf stacker, office worker and scriptwriter for promotional videos. His first novel, Nailed by the Heart, was published in 1995, and since then he has written many more. His short stories have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, including SFX, The Year’s Best Horror, Best New Horror and Dark Voices, and have been broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Selected stories have been collected in Salt Snake & Other Bloody Cuts and Blood and Grit. He has also written crime shorts, appeared on BBC television and written prose material for the rock band U2.

The Night of the Triffids won the British Fantasy Award for Best Novel of 2001, and in the same year Simon also won the Best Short Fiction Award for Goblin City Lights, which appeared in the Telos Publishing collection Urban Gothic: Lacuna and Other Trips.

Simon lives with his wife and two children in mystical territory that lies on the border of Robin Hood country in England.



Graham Humphreys

Graham Humphreys was born in Gloucester in 1960 and works as a freelance designer and illustrator having studied Graphic Design at Salisbury College of Art.

Past commissions have included poster designs for the UK campaigns of Evil Dead 1 & 2 and A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, all for Palace Pictures. He has also produced illustrations and design work for the music press and the record and publishing industries. Graham has also produced storyboards for film and advertising.

His recent commissions have included the UK campaigns for Tartan Films Party Monster and House of 1000 Corpses and the packaging for Product Enterprise Ltd.

Graham is an enthusiast of strange cinema, particulary horror (he has designed the new logo for Hammer Films and designs for the London FrightFest events). He is a lover of music (especially The Cramps) and a commited fan of Daleks!

Graham works at The Creative Partnership studio, which describes itself as “Europe’s foremost film advertising agency”.