For the fiftieth anniversary of Doctor Who, Telos Publishing is pleased to present The Barry Newbery Signature Collection, a beautifully designed and presented, lavish, full colour book featuring many of Barry’s own photographs of his sets and designs for the show’s classic era. The book is annotated with Barry’s own descriptions and memories of the work he undertook, and includes some set designs and sketches as well as many never-before-seen photographs in black and white and full colour, all cleaned up and colour corrected by the book’s designer, Paul Smith (who created the fan project The Wonderful Book of Doctor Who 1965 in 2011).
‘Barry Newbery is one of the true unsung heroes of Doctor Who,’ explains Telos’s David J Howe. ‘Without him, the stories he worked on would not be so rich and memorable, and it was his role as designer on the original ’60s stories that helped to establish the show as a visual feast. Back then, the designer did everything from the sets to the props to the monsters, and Barry’s visual flair brought us the lavishness of “Marco Polo”, “The Aztecs” and “The Crusade” as well as the science fiction stylings of “The Dominators” and “The Invisible Enemy”, and the gothic splendour of “The Brain of Morbius” and “Masque of Mandragora”. It’s been an enormous pleasure to have worked with Barry and Paul to bring this book to fruition. We hope it’s a fitting tribute to both the show and to one of it’s most significant contributors.’
Barry Newbery was the first set designer to work on the transmitted series of Doctor Who and is also one of the longest serving, his work featuring in stories spanning the eras of five Doctors across 20 years. He has designed adventures set around the world: from the Wild West, via Europe and the Middle East, to dynastic China; and across the ages: from Man’s first fumblings with fire to the demise of the Earth billions of years in the future.
This book presents an extensive selection from Barry’s personal collection of photographs of his designs for Doctor Who – many published for the very first time – with insight into his ideas, influences and accomplishments in his own words. See Ancient Egypt, Renaissance Italy, volcanic Tigus, distant Karn and more exotic locations come to life through Barry’s meticulous and inventive designs.
96pp. Full colour landscape-format signed and limited edition hardback book, 230mm x 160mm.
ISBN 978-1-84583-075-5
Published 12 October 2012
Also available as a paperback:

ISBN 978-1-84583-074-8
Barry Newbery was the most prolific production designer on ‘classic era’ Doctor Who. Over the course of the show’s first 21 years, he designed or co-designed 14 stories, including the very first one back in 1963.
Although he didn’t create the original TARDIS interior set – that task fell to Peter Brachacki, who handled the untransmitted pilot episode – Barry was responsible for its first on-screen appearance; and he later designed the wood-panelled ‘Jules Verne-look’ version introduced in ‘The Masque of Mandragora’ (1976) (for which he also supplied a new police box exterior) and the new original-style version first seen in ‘The Invisible Enemy’ (1977).
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