Fallen Gods – deluxe

Fallen Gods – deluxe

Written by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman
Foreword by Storm Constantine
Frontispiece artwork by Daryl Joyce

The tenth of Telos Publishing’s acclaimed Doctor Who Novellas range.

Published 25 September 2003

In ancient Akrotiri, a young girl is learning mysteries from a tutor, who, quite literally, fell from the skies.

With his encouragement she can fly and surf the timestreams and see something of the future. But then the demons come.

Death and disaster are meted out by the Gods of her land. Perhaps retribution for some heinous crime… or something far more sinister?


Published 25 September 2003



At the time this book was written, Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman had been married for five years, writers for ten, and collaborators since some point in between. Together and apart, they’d produced 11 novels, a couple of audio plays, one direct-to-video feature film script, and an assortment of short films and short stories. Between the two of them, they’d been nominated three times for the Aurealis Award for best Australian SF novel, and once for the Ditmar Award.

They live in Sydney, Australia, with occasional returns to Washington DC.



Daryl Joyce

Daryl Joyce was born in Buckinghamshire in 1965. He left school with no significant qualifictions beyond an O-level in Art. Later he upgraded his education and art qualifications at college, and went on to study graphic design at The Banbury School of Art and Design.

Having been spoilt rotten on a diet of fantastic TV serials as a kid, and influenced by any number of great comic strip artists, an interest in fantasy and Hammer horror lead inevitably to the desire to create and capture his own monstrous images. A good deal of his childhood was spent making models and stop-motion animation with his brother and father. An interest in film making and the broad vistas of production painting have been present ever since

He wrote and drew his first full length story, printed and sold in a local book shop, at the tender age of 12, but didn’t capitalise on the fact. After a dalience with music, playing the drums for many years, he finally decided that he could make more impact going back to his first love of visuals, and in particular Doctor Who.

He first submitted illustrations to the BBC in 1992. In the mid-nineties he designed the logo for the industrial dance music duo Lab4 who have gone on to some acclaim around the world, and there is a certain satisfaction in seeing said logo stencilled or even tattooed on avid Austrailian and Japanese fans.

The interest in fantasy art remained whilst Daryl worked in various jobs, including the glamour of delivering frozen food and working in a Television studio. His portfolio had increased dramatically by the time he purchased his first computer in 2000 and experienced the wonder of email communication.

In 2001 his first Doctor Who images appeared in DWM, and he has contributed to the magazine on a semi-regular basis ever since. This lead to work for Big Finish with the trilogy prequel to the James Follet radio play ‘Earthsearch’. He is currently enjoying working for BBCi after completing the ebook versions of Virgin’s New and Missing Adventures ‘Human Nature’ and ‘The Well-Mannered War.’ He is hopeful that more ebooks will follow.

Though he works in a traditional way, usually painting the final image in gouache, he finds the computer invaluable for offering the irresistible temptation to tinker with the image before finally submitting it. It is also very useful in creating elaborate roughs that can be altered quickly and painlessly.

Along with continuing his illustration, he hopes to move into production design and get back to his early interest in moving images. Recent undisclosed work has seen a first step in this direction thanks to Telos author and FX guru Mike Tucker.

Daryl lives in the Cotswolds with a cat or two and a vast video/DVD collection which he now rarely has time to enjoy.