Shell Shock – deluxe

Shell Shock – deluxe

Written by Simon A Forward
Foreword by Guy N Smith
Frontispiece artwork by Bob Covington

The eighth of Telos Publishing’s acclaimed Doctor Who Novellas range.

Published 19 June 2003



The Doctor is washed up – literally – on an alien beach with only intelligent crabs and a madman for company.

How can he possibly rescue Peri who was lost at sea the same time as he and the TARDIS? But Peri has problems of her own. “Rescued” from drowning by an intelligent sponge growth, she has been adopted by the life form as its own personal God.

As the denizens of the beach come under increasingly vicious attack, the Doctor must discover the truth in time to save all their lives.


Published 19 June 2003



Simon A Forward

Simon Forward was born in Penzance in 1967.

He dabbled in computer programming, but from the age of eleven wanted to be a writer ‘when he grew up’.

He is now a published author, with two Doctor Who novels, Drift (2002) and Emotional Chemistry (2003) for BBC Books, a number of Doctor Who short stories for the BBC and Big Finish, as well as an audio drama, The Sandman, for Big Finish and no doubt an expanding waistline under his belt.

He lives to write, as opposed to writing to live, developing other SF novels and stories, as well as some works of contemporary fiction, in the constant hope of being able to do both. Oh, and he’s still waiting to grow up.



Bob Covington

Bob Covington joined the British Fantasy Society in 1990, and started contributing drawings for their publications Dark HorizonsMystique and Winter Chills. His work has also appeared in the magazines NexusCritical Wave, and the short lived Beyond.

In 1998 he was commissioned to paint the cover and internal illustrations for The Paladin Mandates (edited by Mike Chinn and published by The Alchemy Press). This led to his being approached by David Howe to provide the internal illustrations for the paperback collection Manitou Man: The Worlds of Graham Masterton (edited by David J Howe and published by the BFS), followed by commissions for both volumes of the fantasy anthology F20 (2000 and 2001, edited by David J Howe with M P N Sims and L H Maynard, published by the BFS).

More recently he painted the cover for Swords against the Millennium (edited by Mike Chinn and published by The Alchemy Press), and completed a piece for the now online Unhinged issue one.

In 2001 Bob worked on a couple of comic strips with Stuart Young. In 2002 Bob was commissioned to provide the cover and internal illustrations for a new book by Jeff Gardiner; The Age of Chaos: The Multiverse of Michael Moorcock(published by the BFS). The frontispiece for Shell Shock is his first major commission.

In 1999 Bob was commissioned to produce 14 colour covers for a company called Pulp Publications, who specialised in reprinting Edgar Wallace, Jules Verne, Sapper, Sax Rohmer, and Guy Boothby. Unfortunately the company went into liquidation before he was paid. Never the less, a few months later Bob was presented with the British Fantasy Award for Best Artist of 1998.