‘It all started out as a mild curiosity in a junk-yard, and now it’s turned out to be quite a great spirit of adventure don’t you think?’ … so spoke the Doctor during Doctor Who‘s first season, and from that ‘mild curiosity’ the show has gone on to explore strange new worlds in this universe and others, taking in all times and places along the way.
For Doctor Who‘s sixtieth anniversary, we considered that perhaps the best way to celebrate would be to remind ourselves of all the adventure, thrills, alien species, monsters, villains, companions and excitement that the Doctor has experienced on his many travels, all with his most faithful of companions, the TARDIS, by his side. Sometimes ‘the old girl’ gets left behind, or sidestepped in time, but most often she is there at the start, and again at the end, waiting patiently for the Doctor and his friends to return in order to whisk them all off somewhere else, where more adventure awaits.
And what better guide than the incredible artwork of Daryl Joyce. Joyce has been at the forefront of Doctor Who artwork for many years, creating imagery to accompany many tie-in works, but this is the first time that a work of this magnitude has been attempted … trying to encapsulate most of the Doctors adventures and voyages in one book. We did consider trying to cover them all, but the book would have ended up twice the size – unmanageable – so with Daryl’s help we have filtered and filletted the journeys and present the majority … with a few additional sidesteps and images along the way, all to celebrate sixty amazing years of travel in time and space …
‘From the misty streets of Shoreditch in 1963, to dark and spooky planets via ancient Rome, Troy and literally hundreds of locations in between,’ explained Joyce. ‘The aim was to respectfully up the scale, bring the imagination to life and give it all the gothic polish that Robert Holmes inspired in my appreciation of Doctor Who.’
Join us for an adventure through memory, to scenes and places explored and encountered by the Doctor and his friends …
And here’s to many more years to come!

‘If Andrew-Mark Thompson’s This is a Fake is the most unusual book to come out for the 60th, this is certainly one of the most visually stunning. 10/10′ Paul Simpson, SciFi Bulletin
‘The Illustrated Journey offers art that inspires and intrigues, as you always hope art will, when bringing a favourite show or subject to life. I can see fans returning to savour this collection again and again, spotting some new aspect of Daryl’s work each time.’ John Freeman, Down the Tubes
‘If you are a fan of Doctor Who, or just fantasy artwork in general, then The Illustrated Journey by Daryl Joyce is an absolute must. The breadth of artistic imagination and technical skill displayed across its 336 pages is simply breathtaking.’ Mike Tucker
‘Gorgeous!’ STEVE COWLEY
‘It is the book of the year – even the last 10 years – incredible. I love it. The book is beautiful not only does it look incredible it smells incredible. Every page just luxurious and the images and lighting are so atmospheric.’ IAIN ROBERTSON
‘I don’t want to keep describing each Telos book as “a thing of beauty” but again, like The Fanzine Book and the Phil Bevan compendium, this one surely is. Some beautiful pictures in there, imaginatively expanding on the images we already know.’ ROB FRANKS
‘The Illustrated Journey of Doctor Who is simply outstanding, the quality of the book is first class, the artwork is vibrant and makes each Doctor Who story even more special. If you are a die hard fan, then this is one visual journey you need to go on, and share.’ DAVID HAVERS
‘I finished reading this book last night (if “reading” is the right word for an art book), and wanted to say how magnificent it is. The artwork is gorgeous – the composition, light and colour are simply beautiful. The book plays to Joyce’s strengths as an artist, and the way he encapsulates the essence of each story into his paintings is an absolute joy. Highly recommended.’ JAMES C MCFETRIDGE
‘Wanted to add my words of appreciation about this amazing book. I did hesitate to purchase it at first because of the price and thought twice about it once I had it in the shopping cart on the Telos site, but I’m so glad I bought it. It’s beautiful and must be one of my favourite Who books. The mind boggles at the amount of work Daryl Joyce must have put into it, there are hundreds of pieces of gorgeous art.
It reminds me of those Sci-Fi art books I used to get at Christmas about space travel and aliens that were full of paperback cover art. I loved those books and I love this.’ GAVIN23
‘I think all bets might be off and Telos might have just produced the best book that sums up Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary in the most perfect way possible. A lot of you reading this might already be very familiar with Daryl Joyce’s artwork, and here it is finally nice to see him being given a whole book to himself. Some might even say this has been a long time coming. There is something incredibly distinctive about his style of art, but the identity lends itself readily to Doctor Who. The two stand outs of this book are the amount of TARDIS artwork on display, which is fantastic for a TARDIS lover like me, and the whole book pleasantly reeks of a certain nostalgia that is reminiscent of the old classic Doctor Who annuals. If there is one Doctor Who book that you need in your collection, then it is this one.’ Carrie-Anne McDonnell on Amazon
Copies of this book are available to USA-based customers through the following retailer:
WHO North America: https://www.whona.com
336pp. 8.5×11-format landscape full colour hardback.
ISBN 978-1-84583-221-6
Published 8 September 2023
Daryl Joyce is a freelance illustrator and designer who has created artwork for DVD features, animation, magazine articles, books and TV documentaries.
His work has appeared in Doctor Who Magazine, Sci Fi Now, on the Big Finish range of audio dramas and on BBC’s official Doctor Who site.
Although Daryl has a special focus on science fiction illustration, he is versatile and can readily tackle many subjects – including aviation, conceptual design and portraiture.
Paul Simpson –
‘If Andrew-Mark Thompson’s This is a Fake is the most unusual book to come out for the 60th, this is certainly one of the most visually stunning. 10/10’ Paul Simpson, SciFi Bulletin
John Freeman –
‘The Illustrated Journey offers art that inspires and intrigues, as you always hope art will, when bringing a favourite show or subject to life. I can see fans returning to savour this collection again and again, spotting some new aspect of Daryl’s work each time.’ John Freeman, Down the Tubes
David Havers (verified owner) –
The Illustrated Journey of Doctor Who is simply outstanding, the quality of the book is first class, the artwork is vibrant and makes each Doctor Who story even more special. If you are a die hard fan, then this is one visual journey you need to go on, and share.
Paul McMahon –
This book is simply just marvellous..Daryl’s artwork is sublime. Every page needs framing. I cannot recommend this highly enough.