Telos Publishing Newsletter – 9th May 2012

Welcome to another newsletter from Telos Publishing. We hope that the year is being good to you so far, and that you’re not adversely afflicted by floods or drought at the moment. 


Several titles have now arrived with us from the printers, so they are in stock and ready to send out.


Mike Ripley’s popular comic crime capers return with two more paperback titles for 2012.

Family of Angels –
£12.99 paperback

In his latest hair-raising adventure, streetwise chancer Fitzroy Maclean Angel has to cope with an even more daunting problem than usual: his own family. His exploits this time involve the mystery of a missing brother, a family of East End gangsters, hijacked tankers of diesel fuel, stolen beer kegs, sex on the Eurostar and an outrageous Common Market drugs deal. At the end of it all, Angel might just have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

‘Three cheers for an exemplary hero who has never made an excuse and left. Ripley on rich and ribald form.’ Philip Oakes, Literary Review
‘Angel’s one-liners are frequent and funny, but there is an acute observer of modern mores beneath the endearing roguishness.’ Marcel Berlins, The Times
‘I never read Ripley on trains, planes or buses. He makes me laugh, and it annoys the other passengers.’ Minette Walters
‘Ripley’s Angel novels are as witty as they are deftly plotted … boisterous and inventive.’ Philip Kerr
‘What Ripley does to comedy is criminal, and what he does to crime fiction is hilarious.’ Andrew Vachss

Angels In Arms –
£12.99 paperback

When his old friend Werewolf phones him with a desperate call for help, streetwise chancer Angel has no choice but to respond – and finds himself plunged into another hair-raising adventure! This time he is well out of his comfort zone, travelling first to Guernsey and then to Brittany in France as he attempts to free his friend from the clutches of a gang of would-be drug dealers. Along the way he enlists the aid of Werewolf’s brother Gearoid – a highly unconventional bee-keeping monk – a second-rate heavy metal band, and the mad, bad and definitely dangerous-to-know Lucinda L Luger. Will the cavalry arrive in time to save Werewolf …?

‘The best yet in the Angel canon. Nobody does it like Ripley, quite the deftest hand in comic crime.’ Literary Review.
‘His writing is faultless … Ripley’s latest is as boisterous and inventive as ever …’ Time Out.
‘Essential reading.’ Daily Telegraph.
‘Ripley produces funny lines as often as most people breathe.’ The Times.
‘Packed with surreal people, canny observations … this book is a joy to behold. Mike Ripley keeps up a breakneck pace, and the wisecracks fly as fast as the bullets.’ Liverpool Daily Post.


Cracks in Time is the comprehensive guide to Series Five of Doctor Who — the first to feature Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor, with his new companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill). All 13 episodes plus the Christmas special, ‘A Christmas Carol’, are discussed in depth. Also covered are all the associated major news stories, press releases, casting announcements and public response to the episodes. The arrival of the ‘new paradigm’ Daleks; the return of the Weeping Angels; the reintroduction of the mysterious River Song (Alex Kingston); and the trap awaiting the Doctor in the Pandorica — all these things and more are recalled within these pages. The book also details The Adventure Games series of Doctor Who computer games; the Doctor Who Live show; and all other significant events that occurred in the Doctor Who world during 2010, presenting all the facts and figures, behind-the-scenes notes, press reaction and detailed and insightful analysis. Cracks in Time is an essential read for all fans of the show, and continues Telos’s unrivalled coverage of Doctor Who.

£15.99 paperback

Stephen James Walker will be making a rare signing appearance at ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ this coming Saturday in Peterborough from around midday. There’s more information about this event below.


In 1978, Blake’s 7, a new science fiction show, debuted on BBC television, and viewers became enthralled by the adventures of Blake, Avon, Jenna, Vila, Gan and Cally, aided by the computer Zen, as they battled against the might of the Federation, represented by the villainous Servalan and her right hand man, Travis. Merchandise followed, and here, for the first time, Mark B Oliver presents a collector’s guide to everything produced in relation to the show, and several items which never made it to the shops. This unofficial and unauthorised book documents the background to the merchandise, detailing the highs and lows, and explores the history ofBlake’s 7 merchandise from its very beginning. Included are full colour photographs of just about every item, plus interviews with some of those involved in the production of the ranges. Blake’s 7: The Merchandise Guide is both a fascinating tour through the many ways that Blake’s 7 has been presented in merchandise and an entertaining guide to the world ofBlake’s 7 collecting. The book covers Blake’s 7 merchandise around the world, including items released in America, Australia and Argentina as well as the many UK-produced items.

£19.99 full colour paperback

Initial reviews of this title have been enthusiastic: From the Roobarbs Forum: ‘Looks beautiful – very impressed indeed with the use of colour in it.’ Andrew Pixley; ‘ It looks gorgeous! Disturbed to find just how much of it I really *do* own, although I had forgotten all of the foreign-produced stuff I don’t have (Argentinian trading cards indeed!!). But seriously, even on the quick flip-through I’ve had, it’s terrific.’ Hero; ‘Received this yesterday. It’s looks fantastic – well done to Telos for another high-quality book.’ James McFetridge.


Coming next is the first in our new series of guides on the Eurovision Song Contest, this first volume covering the 1950s and the 1960s, followed by the first book looking at the classic series of Battlestar Galactica, which now features a smashing introduction by Richard Hatch (who played Captain Apollo in the series).

In other news, we’re sorry to have had to revise all the postage rates on the Telos site. This is due to the Royal Mail increasing all their prices as at the end of April. All pre-orders will be honoured at whatever price was paid however, as is our policy here at Telos Towers.

Anyone coming to the massive Peterborough based ‘Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ event, note that at the Telos stand, we’ll be launching the new Telos guide to the first Matt Smith season of DOCTOR WHO, CRACKS IN TIME, and author Stephen James Walker will be there on the Saturday afternoon to sign copies. David J Howe and Sam Stone (author of the horror collection ZOMBIES IN NEW YORK AND OTHER BLOODY JOTTINGS) will also be present, and the interior artist for Sam’s collection, Russell Morgan will also be attending to sign copies, along with the many, many other guests at the event. Should be a superb weekend.



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Please join and let us know what you think of the books, chat about the covers … anything that takes your fancy really.

Often new covers are premiered on the Facebook group, and news and details of reviews and other items of interest across the Web are also shared there.

Please let us know what you think of this Newsletter … what would you like to see included?

Until next time,

David, Steve and the Telos Team.

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