Timelink is probably the most anticipated and most delayed title that Telos has ever featured on its lists! I thought it was worth posting a quick update so people know that we’re still working on it, and still hoping to get it published this year.
Work is progressing apace and now the massive undertaking of laying the text out has begun. Arnold is working on this, figuring out how to make all the lists, comments and boxouts work, and how to keep the whole thing readable.
One issue which has arisen is that the book looks to be running to around 1300 pages! This is quite a problem as the most that a paperback can reasonably have with our printers is around the 800 mark. So rather than resort to a 6 point font with a free magnifying glass with every book, we have instead decided to publish the title as two volumes, splitting the text between them. Therefore, when ordering re-opens, the price will be £24.99 for both the two volumes. We have decided not to offer them individually as there didn’t seem to be much point … it is all one book after all.
Anyone who pre-ordered the book at the earlier price, will still receive BOTH volumes at that price – one of the benefits of ordering early from Telos, is that if the price subsequently rises, we will always try and honour the original orders at the original price. For example early orderers of It Lives Again!, got the book for £14.99 rather than the published £16.99. We feel that this is a small measure of our appreciation of customers who support us, and then sometimes have to be patient while we iron out all the publishing issues associated with getting a book into print.
As soon as we have more information on this, and other titles, then we’ll get more news posted up here.