Where are the new books?

Just a quick update for everyone who has been wondering where the latest titles from Telos have got to …

Basically they are all at the printers but some have been hit with unexpected technical problems which we have now sorted, but which have delayed delivery dates.

The best dates we have been given now for the various titles are as follows:

SECOND FLIGHT – sometime towards the end of w/c 13th November (so the 16th or 17th probably)
ZOMBIEMANIA, TALKBACK 2, TOYBOX UPDATE 2 – on all of these we’re expecting the early copies some time next week as well, with the bulk of the shipment arriving with us just before Christmas. The hardback of TALKBACK 2 won’t be available until late January therefore.

As and when I get further ETA information I’ll post an update here, but for the moment this is what we’re working towards.


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